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Health and Wellness Hackathon banner image

Hackathon 2022Theme: Health and Wellnesss

Our virtual hackathon is a learning-first-minded event that includes two days of professional development, networking, and fun—alongside 5 days of creating technical tools to solve health & wellness challenges. The importance of health and wellness has become more evendent in the post covid era. Get insired, find a problem to solve. Get creative, collaborate and create project (MVP) that help promote mental and physical well-being.

Hackers have from August 22nd, 2022 to August 26th, 2022 at 7 pm PM EDT to work on and submit their projects.
Illustration of a meditation app and person meditating

Theme: Health & Wellness

Here are some example project ideas:

  • Fitness / Sleep tracker
  • Audio meditation app
  • Data analysis of nutrition and food
  • Motivatial quotes using ML

We can wait to see what the amazing ideas you come up with!

Join on DevPost
Illustrations of two students working at laptops

Submission Requirements

  • You must be in a team of 3-4 people.
  • You cannot submit a project that you started working on prior to the hackathon.
  • Your project must relate to the theme (Health & Wellness) in some way.
  • You must submit your project on DevPost by August 26th, 2022, 7 PM EDT for them to be judged.
  • Please submit a link to the project's GitHub repository and/or deployed website.
    • If the project is not deployed, please provide instructions on how to run it locally.
  • Please provide a slide deck (PowerPoint/Canva, etc.) or a video that showcases your project.

** Each team can only win one prize.

Illustration of a judge


As students ourselves, we understand the stress of submitting a complete project by the hackathon submission deadline. Therefore, we will be prioritizing a learning environment, where we will be rewarding the pursuit of knowledge, risk taking, and code integrity over a clean product. In other words, we will be looking for the first iteration of your idea. We encourage you to focus on the fundamentals of your idea and to use this as an opportunity to play with new technologies and get to know your fellow C8 members. Explore the interesting ways your ideas and technologies can interact!

  • Best Front End: Overall best front end development.
  • Best Back End: Overall best back end development.
  • SWE Best Practices Award: Code is clean, good use of frameworks, naming conventions, documentation, etc.
  • Data Science Award: Excellent implementation of a data set or data visualizations as part of their project.

Special Thanks to our Sponsors:

Brooklyn College
City College of New York
College of Staten Island
Hunter College
Queens College
Baruch College
City Tech
John Jay College
Lehman College
Medgar Evers College
Would you like to get yourself or your company involved in a future hackathon or other CUNY Tech Prep initiatives? Reach out to [email protected]